There is a list of periodicals (journals) that cover diverse aspects of sustainability, sustainable development, and sustainable engineering.
Clarivate JCR category Green & Sustainable Science & Technology 2023 – 91 journals
ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering (IF2023 = 7.1, CiteScore2023 = 13.8)
Advanced Energy and Sustainability Research (IF2023 = 6.2, CiteScore2023 = 8.2)
Advanced Sustainable Systems (IF2023 = 6.5, CiteScore2023 = 10.8)
Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems (IF2023 = 2.4, CiteScore2023 = 4.8)
Agronomy for Sustainable Development (IF2023 = 6.4, CiteScore2023 = 10.7)
Carbon Capture Science & Technology (IF2023 = 10.4, CiteScore2023 = 10.6)
Challenges in Sustainability (IF2023 = 0.8, CiteScore2023 = 3.1)
ChemSusChem (IF2023 = 7.5, CiteScore2023 = 15.8)
Clean Energy (IF2023 = 2.9, CiteScore2023 = 4.0)
Clean Technologies (IF2023 = 4.1, CiteScore2023 = 6.1)
Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy (IF2023 = 4.2, CiteScore2023 = 8.1)
CLEAN-Soil Air Water (IF2023 = 1.5, CiteScore2023 = 2.8)
Cleaner and Responsible Consumption (IF2023 = 3.7, CiteScore2023 = 4.7)
Cleaner Engineering and Technology (IF2023 = 5.3, CiteScore2023 = 9.8)
Cleaner Environmental Systems (IF2023 = 6.1, CiteScore2023 = 7.8)
Current Green Chemistry (IF2023 = 1.1, CiteScore2023 = 4.3)
Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability (IF2023 = 6.6, CiteScore2023 = 13.8)
Current Opinion in Green and Sustainable Chemistry (IF2023 = 9.3, CiteScore2023 = 16.0)
Discover Sustainability (IF2023 = 2.4, CiteScore2023 = 4.0)
EcoMat (IF2023 = 10.7, CiteScore2023 = 17.3)
Energy, Ecology and Environment (IF2023 = 3.9, CiteScore2023 = 9.8)
Energy Efficiency (IF2023 = 3.2, CiteScore2023 = 5.8)
Energy for Sustainable Development (IF2023 = 4.4, CiteScore2023 = 8.1)
Energy, Sustainability and Society (IF2023 = 4.6, CiteScore2023 = 9.6)
Environment, Development and Sustainability (IF2023 = 4.7, CiteScore2023 = 10.2)
Environmental and Climate Technologies (IF2023 = 1.4, CiteScore2023 = 3.1)
Environmental Progress and Sustainable Energy (IF2023 = 2.1, CiteScore2023 = 5.0)
Environmental Quality Management (IF2023 = 1.6, CiteScore2023 = 2.2)
Environmental Research: Infrastructure and Sustainability (IF2023 = 2.7, CiteScore2023 = 2.7)
Environmental Science and Ecotechnology (IF2023 = 14.1, CiteScore2023 = 20.4)
Frontiers in Sustainable Cities (IF2023 = 2.4, CiteScore2023 = 4.0)
Geography and Sustainability (IF2023 = 8.0, CiteScore2023 = 16.7)
Global Sustainability (IF2023 = 4.6, CiteScore2023 = 10.9)
Green Chemistry (IF2023 = 9.3, CiteScore2023 = 16.1)
Green Chemistry Letters and Reviews (IF2023 = 5.8, CiteScore2023 = 9.1)
Green Energy & Environment (IF2023 = 10.7, CiteScore2023 = 16.8)
Green Finance (IF2023 = 5.5, CiteScore2023 = 9.6)
Green Materials (IF2023 = 1.8, CiteScore2023 = 3.5)
Green Processing and Synthesis (IF2023 = 3.8, CiteScore2023 = 6.7)
IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy (IF2023 = 8.7, CiteScore2023 = 21.4)
IET Renewable Power Generation (IF2023 = , CiteScore2023 = )
International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability (IF2020 = 2.905)
International Journal of Green Energy (IF2020 = 2.459)
International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control (IF2023 = 2.4, CiteScore2023 = 4.0)
International Journal of Innovation and Sustainable Development (JCI2020 = 0.15, CiteScore2020 = 1.5)
International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing – Green Technology (IF2023 = 2.4, CiteScore2023 = 4.0)
International Journal of Renewable Energy Development – IJRED (JCI2020 = 0.18)
International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education (IF2020 = 2.854)
International Journal of Sustainable Agricultural Management and Informatics (IF2023 = 2.4, CiteScore2023 = 4.0)
International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology (IF2020 = 3.716)
International Journal of Sustainable Energy (JCI2020 = 0.29, CiteScore2020 = 3.5)
International Journal of Sustainable Engineering (JCI2020 = 0.30, CiteScore2020 = 3.4)
International Journal of Sustainable Transportation (IF2020 = 3.929)
International Journal of Urban Sustainable Development (CiteScore2020 = 2.0)
International Review for Spatial Planning and Sustainable Development (JCI2020 = 0.18, CiteScore2020 = 1.5)
Journal of Cultural Heritage and Sustainable Development (JCI2020 = 0.18, CiteScore2020 = 1.5)
Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy (IF2020 = 2.219, CiteScore2020 = 3.8)
Journal of Sustainability Research (since 2019)
Journal of Sustainable Cement-Based Materials (IF2020 = 4.429, CiteScore2020 = 5.3)
Journal of Sustainable Development (since 2008)
Journal of Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems – JSDEWES (JCI2020 = 0.47, CiteScore2020 = 3.7)
Journal of Sustainable Finance & Investment (CiteScore2020 = 2.4)
Journal of Sustainable Forestry (IF2020 = 1.510)
Journal of Sustainable Metallurgy (IF2020 = 2.347, CiteScore2020 = 4.4)
Journal of Sustainable Tourism (IF2020 = 7.968)
Journal of Sustainable Water in the Built Environment (JCI2020 = 0.54, CCiteScore2020 = 3.1)
Materials for Renewable and Sustainable Energy (JCI2020 = 0.50, CiteScore202 0= 4.3)
Materials Today Sustainability (IF2020 = 4.524, CiteScore2020 = 2.9)
McGill International Journal of Sustainable Development Law and Policy (JCI2020 = 0.64)
MRS Energy & Sustainability (since 2014, JCI2020 = 0.15)
Nature Sustainability (IF2020 = 19.346)
Present Environment and Sustainable Development (JCI2020 = 0.11)
Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers – Engineering Sustainability (IF2020 = 1.795)
Process Integration and Optimization for Sustainability (JCI2020 = 0.25)
Renewable Energy (IF2020 = 8.001)
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews (IF2020 = 14.982, CiteScore2020 = 30.5)
Smart and Sustainable Built Environment (JCI2020 = 0.35, CiteScore2020 = 2.0)
Smart and Sustainable Manufacturing Systems (JCI2020 = 0.21, CiteScore2020 = 1.4)
Sustainability (IF2020 = 3.251)
Sustainability Accounting, Management and Policy Journal (IF2020 = 3.354)
Sustainability: Science, Practice and Policy (CiteScore2020 = 4.3)
Sustainability Science (IF2020 = 6.367)
Sustainable and Resilient Infrastructure (CiteScore2020 = 5.3)
Sustainable Cities and Society (IF2020 = 7.587)
Sustainable Chemistry and Pharmacy (IF2020 = 4.508, Cite Score2020 = 4.5)
Sustainable Computing: Informatics & Systems (IF2020 = 4.028, CiteScore2020 = 5.5)
Sustainable Development (IF2020 = 6.159)
Sustainable Energy & Fuels (IF2020 = 6.367, CiteScore2020 = 7.4)
Sustainable Energy, Grids and Networks (IF2020 = 3.899, CiteScore2020 = 5.6)
Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments (IF2020 = 5.353, CiteScore2020 = 5.9)
Sustainable Environment (CiteScore2020 = 2.6)
Sustainable Environment Research (IF2020 = 4.980, CiteScore2020 = 10.0)
Sustainable Materials and Technologies (IF2020 = 7.053)
Sustainable Production and Consumption (IF2020 = 5.032)
Sustainable Water Resources Management (JCI2020 = 0.48, CiteScore2020 = 2.0)
Technology and Economicş of Smart Grids and Sustainable Energy (CiteScore2020 = 3.1)
VITRUVIO – International Journal of Architectural Technology and Sustainability (JCI2020 = 0.97)
World Journal of Entrepreneurship, Management and Sustainable Development (JCI2020 = 0.39, CiteScore2020 = 0.5)
World Journal of Science Technology and Sustainable Development (JCI2020 = 0.25)
World Review of Science, Technology and Sustainable Development (CiteScore2020 = 1.1)