Stockholm Resilience Centre
Mednarodni raziskovalni center Univerze v Stokcholmu na področju znanosti o odpornosti in trajnost(nost)i. URL:
Mednarodni raziskovalni center Univerze v Stokcholmu na področju znanosti o odpornosti in trajnost(nost)i. URL:
Porkka M. et al. (2024), Nature Water, Abstract: Human actions compromise the many life-supporting functions provided by the freshwater cycle. Yet, scientific understanding of anthropogenic freshwater change and its long-term evolution is limited. Here, using a multi-model ensemble of global hydrological models, we estimate how, over a 145-year industrial period (1861–2005), streamflow and soil […]
Wang-Erlandsson et al. (2022), Nature Reviews Earth & Environment, 3, 380-392, Abstract: Green water — terrestrial precipitation, evaporation and soil moisture — is fundamental to Earth system dynamics and is now extensively perturbed by human pressures at continental to planetary scales. However, green water lacks explicit consideration in the existing planetary boundaries framework that […]
Science Advances, 9, 37, eadh2458, Abstract: This planetary boundaries framework update finds that six of the nine boundaries are transgressed, suggesting that Earth is now well outside of the safe operating space for humanity. Ocean acidification is close to being breached, while aerosol loading regionally exceeds the boundary. Stratospheric ozone levels have slightly recovered. […]
Science 348, 6240, p. 1217, Abstract: Jaramillo and Destouni claim that freshwater consumption is beyond the planetary boundary, based on high estimates of water cycle components, different definitions of water consumption, and extrapolation from a single case study. The difference from our analysis, based on mainstream assessments of global water consumption, highlights the need […]
Rockström, J., Gupta, J., Qin, D. et al. (2023) Safe and just Earth system boundaries. Nature 619, 102–111. Abstract (prevod): Stabilnost in odpornost zemeljskega sistema ter blaginja ljudi sta neločljivo povezani, vendar se njune soodvisnosti na splošno premalo zavedamo, zato ju pogosto obravnavamo ločeno. V tem članku z modeliranjem in pregledom literature določamo varne in pravične meje zemeljskega […]
Persson et al. (2022), Environmental Science and Technology, 56, 3, 1510-1521, Abstract: We submit that the safe operating space of the planetary boundary of novel entities is exceeded since annual production and releases are increasing at a pace that outstrips the global capacity for assessment and monitoring. The novel entities boundary in the planetary […]
O’Neill DW, Fanning AL, Lamb WF et al. (2018) A good life for all within planetary boundaries. Nat Sustain 1, 88–95 (2018) – Abstract (povzetek): Človeštvo se sooča z izzivom, kako doseči visoko kakovost življenja za več kot 7 milijard ljudi, ne da bi pri tem destabilizirali kritične planetarne procese. Z uporabo kazalnikov, namenjenih […]
Science, 348, 6420, p. 1217, DOI: 10.1126/science.aaa962 Abstract (prevod): Steffen in drugi (Research Articles, 13. februar 2015, str. 736) so nedavno ocenili trenutno svetovno porabo sladke vode in ugotovili, da je precej pod ustrezno planetarno mejo. Vendar niso upoštevali nedavnega znanstvenega napredka, ki nakazuje, da je svetovna poraba sladke vode morda že presegla ustrezno planetarno […]
Science, 347, 6223, p. 736, Structured Abstract: INTRODUCTION There is an urgent need for a new paradigm that integrates the continued development of human societies and the maintenance of the Earth system (ES) in a resilient and accommodating state. The planetary boundary (PB) framework contributes to such a paradigm by providing a science-based analysis […]
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